Free breast, cervical cancer screening with Care for Yourself


Even in the midst of a global pandemic, other diseases continue to threaten our health.

More than 360 residents of Dallas County were diagnosed with cancer in 2020, according to the University of Iowa College of Public Health. The good news is that nearly 40% of Iowans treated for cancer have survived.

Key to surviving cancer is identifying it as early as possible and then choosing an appropriate treatment. Breast and cervical cancer can be survived if treated.

A scary position to be in is being diagnosed with cancer and having no insurance coverage for treatment. Both men and women in Iowa who are at or below 250% of the federal poverty line qualify for free breast cancer screening (and women for cervical cancer treatment.) This is funded by the CDC’s Care For Yourself program.

Contact Dallas County Health Navigation at or 515-993-3750 to apply for Care For Yourself. The navigators can also help you with other concerns during your treatment.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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