Babies need tummy time to promote health, strength


Babies should sleep on their backs, and all healthy babies need time playing on their tummies.

Tummy time promotes physical and brain development, and it provides important bonding time with the loving adults in baby’s life.

To protect your baby, use a clean, firm surface such as a padded mat for tummy time.  Don’t ever put baby on a surface he or she can roll off.

Babies benefit from a variety of play positions. Try putting baby on your own chest while lying on your back, or placing baby tummy-down across your thighs while you sit. Talk, sing and smile at your baby to increase the social benefits of this play time.

Some babies hate tummy time at first and need to warm up to this important activity. Putting a bolster or rolled towel under your baby’s chest and extending out under baby’s arms and shoulders makes it easier for baby to lift and turn baby’s head.

A three-minute session is a good start for reluctant babies.

Remember that car seats are for transportation only. Back sleeping and car seat time put pressure on the back of baby’s head and may lead to a flat spot. Tummy time provides a break from this pressure.

Find more information at Zero to Three and the Iowa Family Support Network, both useful resources for educational programs and prenatal services for parents with infants and toddlers.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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