Letter to the editor: Gala Chair thanks community


To the editor:

On Saturday, April 9, the Perry community came together in a huge way to support St. Patrick’s Church and School! This year’s St. Pat’s Gala welcomed more than 140 guests and offered an exciting variety of items for auction. Guests enjoyed a delicious dinner as well as entertainment from local dancers and musicians.

They then showed tremendous support for St. Pat’s by generously bidding on our silent and live auctions, participating in raffles and donating to Cash for Classrooms. The Gala Committee is truly overwhelmed by your support and we want to thank everyone who contributed by attending, bidding and donating!

The Gala Committee would also like to thank the numerous businesses and individuals whose kind donations made the auction possible. This includes auction items, entertainment, decorations, desserts and auctioneering. Your contributions helped us to double the funds raised at our previous auction! Funds will go to support tuition assistance, classroom needs, school improvements and more.

Thank you for being such an essential part of the St. Pat’s community!

Lastly, an evening such as this does not come together without a community of volunteers generously donating their time, ideas and energy. I want to personally thank the incredible individuals on the 2022 Gala Committee who made this night possible. They include: Lisa Palmersheim, Kathy Tuhn, Joe Tuhn, Elisa Godoy, Betzy Sandoval, Danny Splendore, Dominique Gauthier and Kandice Pattillo.

Thank you also to everyone who volunteered to help set up, decorate, serve meals and clean up. I am genuinely humbled by the opportunity to work with such an awesome group of volunteers!

Mindy Farmer, 2022 St. Pat’s Gala Committee Chair


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