Employers look to hire at annual PHS job fair Friday

Hundreds of Perry High School students explored the universe of paid labor Friday at the annual job fair.

Some two dozen companies, ranging from banking and construction to McDonald’s fast food and the U.S. military, tabled in the Perry High School gymnasium Friday for the annual job fair.

Hundreds of students made the rounds of the tables, chatting with the representatives from the private and public sectors and collecting stickers to prove they attended the event and talked to at least six employers.

Along with the trade-show style gathering in the gym, some 30 classrooms were used for small-group presentations by local representatives of many vocations, from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and crime scene investigators to makeup artists and social media influencers.

Many of Perry’s most notable businesses were on hand, looking to hire new staff members in what is a seller’s market. The news business was not among the enterprises represented at the fair, and ThePerryNews.com was only made aware of the event by a off-hand remark by a citizen.


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