Spring Valley retirement community hosts spring fashion show

Fashion show models, front row from left, Carm Staker, Wilma Collins and Alice Hoffman; back row from left, Jackie Spellman, Deb Kruse, Sue Finer, Jennifer Rothfus and Deb Koelln, pose in their finery at the May 13 fashion show at Spring Valley Campus. Photo courtesy Perry Lutheran Homes

Residents and staff members of the Perry Lutheran Homes’ Spring Valley Campus joined forces May 13 to model fashions from Perry’s local boutiques in a fashions show.

The Spring Valley Campus is a well-appointed retirement community, with spacious apartments for those living independently and with assistance. The campus is part of the Perry Lutheran Homes’ family of senior-living communities in Perry.

Spring Valley Campus tenant Carmelite (Carm) Staker took the lead in coordinating and planning the fashion show together with Spring Valley Campus staff.

Staker, a Woodward native, was a registered nurse in the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps, and she worked at several hospitals, including the Woodward State Hospital, now called the Woodward Resource Center. She enjoys clothing and fashion as well as gathering of friends and community, so the Spring Valley fashion show was the perfect way to combine those interests.

“I love to get people involved in activities,” said Staker. “I enjoy seeing the teamwork that brought this all together from tenants and staff and the community. This is something I’ve done before, and I really enjoy it. It was special to see how supportive the community and staff involved in the activity were.”

Both Spring Valley tenants and staff became runway models, showing to best effect the latest styles from Backwards Boutique in Perry and Social Hour Style in Woodward.

Tenants Jackie Spellman, Sue Finer, Wilma Collins, Alice Hoffman, Darrold Bice and Staker took their turns on the catwalk as well as Perry Lutheran Homes staffers Morgan Newel, Marina Quijas, Deb Koelln, Deb Kruse and Jennifer Rothfus.

Staffer Xavier Carpenter escorted all the lovely ladies down the runway as they showed their fashions to about 50 guests.

Pianist Kathy Fox serenaded guests as models walked the runway. Following the fashion show, a variety of wine, tea, meats, cheeses and other goodies were served. Door prizes from Perry Hy-Vee, Donna Jean Flowers, Halo Hair Salon, Deb Koelln, Deb Kruse and a few anonymous donors pleased the audience.

It was an overall success, and tenants and staff at Spring Valley Campus look forward to planning another fashion show in the future.

Mollie Clark is the director of marketing for the Perry Lutheran Homes.


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