World Blood Donation Day is June 14. So make an appointment


Blood donation is sometimes referred to as the gift of life. For persons suffering from chronic disease or undergoing major surgery or for victims of an accident, receiving donated blood may make the difference between survival and death.

How does blood donation work, and why is it helpful? When blood is lost, it must be replaced. Even though science has developed amazing medications, the components of our blood — red cells, platelets and plasma — continue to outperform synthetic products.

There are three main reasons individuals don’t donate blood. Some think they’ll get infected while donating. In fact, the donation is made in a sterile process.

Other people fear that donating blood will run down their own health, but our bodies are constantly making new cells and will replace the small amount of blood taken for donation.

Third, some persons are afraid of needles, or they don’t like to see blood. Be open about your feelings when donating, and the staff will protect you from anything you find unpleasant. They might provide you with a distraction or encourage you to use a mobile device while donating.

World Blood Donation Day is June 14. Contact the Dallas County Health Department to connect to a blood donor center near you.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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