Protect young skin from cancer-causing ultraviolet light


Name a behavior that many people continue even when they know it can lead to cancer.

Smoking is a big one. Another is exposing your skin to the sun.

Avoiding sun exposure is a tough topic for many parents to address with their children and adolescents because they themselves have always liked getting a tan. Kids call us out on such “Do as I say, not as I do” situations.

This might be the summer to make changes for the whole family.

Stock up on a supply of broad-spectrum sunscreen, choosing products that every family member will be likely to use. Keep it handy in places that will allow for application and re-application as needed.

Make sure everyone has headgear they like that shades the face, ears and neck.

Take the lead on protecting yourself from ultraviolet rays, and model the role for your family by avoiding the sun and tanning beds. Ultraviolet rays damage not only the skin but the eyes as well.

Even very young children should wear sunglasses that block both UVB and UVA rays.

If you can’t resist the look of a glowing tan, try sunless self-tanning lotions. Keep in mind that these generally do not contain sunscreen protection.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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