Skip high-calorie junk for nutrient-dense foods


The Dallas County Public Health Department is helping distribute vouchers to low-income residents over the age of 60 that can be used at farmers markets for fresh fruit, vegetables and fresh herbs. The point of this U.S. Department of Agriculture program is to increase good nutrition.

Healthy food and beverage choices are important for people of all ages. Older adults typically require fewer calories than growing children and adolescents or even younger adults.

Across the board, it’s important for everyone to supply our bodies with the nutrients they need, while staying within the number of calories we use for energy and growth. Nutrient-dense foods provide vitamins, minerals and fiber minus excess sugar, salt and saturated fats. Make every bite count.

Watch out for hidden sugar in foods and beverages by getting in the habit of reading labels. Resist adding sugar to coffee and tea. Fast food is notorious as high-calorie and low-nutrient fare, so make this a rare part of your diet.

Americans are accustomed to super-sized portions from restaurants and packaged food and drinks, which might seem like a good way to get even more vitamins. Unfortunately, fast food is generally far from packed with nutrients. Don’t waste your daily calories on junk.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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