Carter Nordman answers six questions for

1607 recently caught up with the two candidates running for the Iowa House of Representatives from District 47, which includes Perry. The candidates, Republican Carter Nordman of Panorama and Democrat Gary Overla of Dallas Center, answered six questions for as a supplement to their Jefferson forum Oct. 20. Here are Nordman’s answers.

Republican Carter Nordman of Panorama is seeking to represent Iowa House of Representatives District 47, which includes Perry.

TPN: Do you believe the 2020 general election was rigged and stolen from President Trump?

Nordman: Joe Biden is our president. He has been since he took the oath of office on Jan. 20, 2022 (See my tweet below). Do I believe there were instances of fraud within our election system in some parts of the country? Yes, I do. I think some serious questions have been raised. What I find interesting is that if a Republican questions fraud within an election, they are “election deniers,” but if Democrats question an election, they are “standing up for voter integrity.” Here is over 150 examples of Democrats denying election results.

But now let’s get real and off this politically driven conversation. During my time in the legislature, I have voted and stood up for election integrity. Iowa is the gold standard when it comes to safe and fair elections. I will continue to look for ways and processes to ensure Iowan’s are 100% confident in our election system. I am proud to say, in Iowa, it’s easy to vote and hard to cheat!

TPN: Do you believe the June decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in Dobbs v. JacksonWomen’s Health Organization, which overturned the constitutional right to abortion, was correctly decided? What is your general position on this issue? Are you satisfied with the current state of abortion law in Iowa, or would you advocate for changes to it? If so, what changes would you support in Iowa’s abortion law?

Nordman: I am proud to be pro-life. I am a firm believer that a baby inside of the womb is a human being and has constitutional rights. I believe in exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, or health of the mother. I do support common sense legislation that protects both the mother and baby. I also think we can create a pro-life culture by ensuring that new mothers have access to the support, parenting education, supplies and and health care that they need. I also believe in expanding access to contraceptives and have supported legislation to do so.

TPN: What is your opinion of President Biden’s executive order canceling a portion of student loan debt? Do you support the lawsuit Gov. Reynolds has joined with other governors that challenges the president’s action? If so, why? and if not, why not?

Nordman: I believe the avenue President Biden has gone down in order to address the student loan crisis is wrong. It is unfair to those who chose not to attend college because of the high cost and those who saved or worked their way through school in order to avoid taking on debt. Nobody is forced to take out a loan. – That said, I do believe this issue needs to be addressed. For starters, the federal government should be looking at lowering interest rates. These rates are far too high and unaffordable to many. We also need to focus on higher education transparency. High school students should understand what jobs and incomes will be available to them as they decide on their major. Too often, a student will attend a 4 year institution, obtain a degree, and work in a field completely unrelated to their study. We must do a better job advocating for students to look at high demand job areas while also promoting vocational education programs.

TPN: Inflation is cutting into pocketbooks in the U.S. and around the world. What do you think is the cause of the current inflation? How can inflation best be brought under control?

Nordman: It is no secret that the pain Iowans are feeling from inflation has a large part to do with Biden’s reckless spending and failed policies. As your State Representative, I have voted to cut your taxes, eliminate tax on retirement income, and reduce wasteful spending to balance our budget. Republicans in Iowa want to ensure you keep more of your hard earned money. With the rising cost of living, every dollar kept in your pocket matters. At the end of the day, you know how to spend your money better than the government.

TPN:  Crime worries many Americans, including what seem to be the now-daily reports of mass shootings. What is your view of crime, its causes and cures? What are the main security risks to Americans, and how can they best be neutralized?

Nordman: I believe one of the main security risks our state and country face is the continued attacks on our law enforcement. This isn’t just a cute talking point. Here in Iowa, the Democratic nominee for governor, of which my opponent fully supports, stayed seated while every legislator, Republican and Democrat, stood to honor law enforcement during Gov. Reynolds’ State of the State address earlier this year. Anti-police rhetoric is dangerous and must stop.

Republicans are more than just talk when it comes to supporting our police. Last year I was proud to support our “Back the Blue” legislation, which increased penalties for looting and rioting, added additional police protections and created a $5 million equipment fund to ensure our law enforcement have the resources they need to keep our communities safe. I will always stand with our police!

Additionally, I think it is important to note the $100 million investment Gov. Reynolds announced in June regarding school safety. This funding will support all 327 public school districts and 183 non-public and independent schools in Iowa. The funding will provide school districts with prevention, training and response strategies to keep students safe.

TPN: Immigration, both legal and illegal, is a perennial issue in U.S. politics. What is your view of the current state of the question and your opinion as to what is to be done? Iowa is at full employment and still has about 70,000 open job positions. Who will occupy these jobs if not immigrants?

Nordman: Joe Biden’s open border policy has made America less safe. His failure to secure the southern border has a direct impact here in Iowa. When I speak with our county sheriffs, they are concerned about the drugs pouring in across the border that are making their way up to Iowa. Take a look at this map. “The red lines show the flow of drugs to the blue dots, which are cities that report Mexican drug trafficking organizations. Des Moines is one of them.”

Source: Texas Department of Public Safety

Iowa has and always will welcome those who come to this country legally. It is time for the federal government to stop the political games and fix our immigration system!



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