Letter to the editor: PHS girls wrestling coach urges support

The PHS girls wrestling team includes, front row from left, Alejandra Hernandez, Yamilete Gonzalez, Mercedes Ponce, Amy Aguirre, Taylor Atwell, Charity Mickles, Hailey Peterson and Bella McDivitt; back row from left, Julie Maylum, Ava Devilbiss, Lauren Rogers and Ayden Erickson. Photo courtesy PCSD

To the editor:

Hey, just wanted to get the word out that Perry girls wrestling is kicking butt in the regular season, and now it’s time for the big dance.

We have had many first place finishes as a team as well as individual champions throughout the regular season. On Friday, Jan. 27 at 11 a.m., Perry has nine girls wrestling in regionals at Hy-Vee Hall in Des Moines.

A placement of fourth or better at that tournament will stamp their ticket to the state tournament. Perry expects several girls to qualify and have two athletes ranked in the top 10 in Iowa!

The state tournament will be held in Coralville next week. Please get out there and support our girls or follow along on Trackwrestling.com!

Assistant Coach T. J. Maylum


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