100+ People for Perry funds new uniforms for PMS soccer


The May meeting of the 100+ People for Perry charity group was held Monday night at the Hotel Pattee, and the members selected the Perry Middle School to receive $5,300 for new soccer uniforms and supplies.

Awards from 100+ People for Perry are based on a yearly member pledge of $100/quarter.

The group’s mission is to invest in Perry’s future by supporting current charities, nonprofits and worthy projects that advance the quality of life. After 30 meetings, the group has pledged $211,300 to local non-profit projects.

The goal of 100+ People for Perry is to make four large donations each year that will impact the Perry community. Each contribution stays 100% in the community. No national charities are considered.

Each charity/non-profit/worthy cause must be a 501 (c)(3) or sponsored by a 501 (c)(3), be project based and must benefit the Perry community. Non-profit organizations may be found at the online Nonprofit Directory.

Only members may attend the quarterly meetings and present projects. New members are welcome. Pledges are collected at the conclusion of each meeting.

Presentations are made in person and include project details, specifics about other current and potential funding sources and an explanation of how the cause will advance the quality of life in the community and the betterment of Perry.

Checks may be submitted to Finneseth, Dalen and Powell PLC, P.O. Box 487, 1401 Willis Ave., Perry, IA 50220 (east side mailbox).

The next 100+ People for Perry meeting is scheduled for Monday, Aug. 28 at 7 p.m. Anyone interested in joining 100+ People for Perry should contact Mark Powell at mpowell@fdplawfirm.com, Tom Lipovac at Tom.Lipovac@perry.k12.ia.us or Linda Kaufman at kaufmanlinda1948@gmail.com.


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