Summer’s bumper crops make rich produce harvest


Vegetable gardens are really producing right now, and farmers markets have a great selection of tomatoes, sweet corn and much more. What a perfect time to try fresh foods that aren’t available during the rest of the year!

If you know someone over age 60 who received Senior Farmers Market vouchers in June, remind them to use the vouchers. Offer them a ride, and help with walking around a farmers market to assist that older adult in improving their nutrition this summer.

And we’re never too old to try something new, so encourage them to try produce they’ve never tasted.

Watch your usual websites and newsletters for ideas on preparing low-sodium, gluten-free or high-fiber dishes for yourself and your family that contain fresh produce. If you have the booklet that came with your air fryer or food processer, you’ll find fast and easy ways to prepare fresh fruits and vegetables.

Iowa State Extension has lots of terrific ideas on their website, including how-to videos.

If you have a garden, you know it involves physical labor. But what a great alternative to your same old exercise routine. Hoeing, weeding, picking and carrying builds endurance, flexibility and strength.

Just as with other forms of exercise, good technique is important. Use a pad for your knees, and remember to stand up and stretch your legs every 10 minutes or so. If you have blood pressure concerns, stand up slowly, and get your equilibrium before walking.

Finally, if your diligent work in the garden has produced a bumper crop, please consider donating your excess produce to your local food pantry. Contact the Dallas County Health Department for locations at 515-993-3750 or

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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