SORE men celebrate birthday of Perry Mayor John Andorf

Perry Mayor John Andorf, in green, received birthday good wishes Friday from Sore members, clockwise from left, Joseph Shelly, Lou Hoger, Tom Ulrich, Dan Spellman, Dennis Ulrich, Gary Becker, Ray Harden, Ken Finer and Larry Laborde.

The Society of Retired Experts (SORE) feted Perry Mayor John Andorf Friday morning at the Perry Perk coffeehouse on the eve of his birthday. Andorf will turn 74 on Sunday.

A Waterloo native, Andorf started working at the Woodward Resource Center in 1973, rising from caseworker to superintendent and eventually to treatment program administrator. He retired in 2010.

He was elected to the Perry City Council in 2013 and began the first of his three terms as mayor of Perry in 2017. Andorf is also a member of the Perry Lions Club and serves on the board of directors of the Racoon Valley Pet Rescue.

This time of year finds Andorf nd his wife, Linda, very busy coordinating the annual Toys for Tots program, which provides Christmas gifts to some 400 needy children throughout the Perry area. They also assist with the annual Community Christmas Day Dinner.

Joining Andorf for coffee and sweet rolls were Gary Becker, Jim Caufield, Ken Finer, Ray Harden, Lou Hoger, Larry Laborde, Joseph Shelly, Dan Spellman, Dennis Ulrich and Tom Ulrich.


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