Waukee sex offender allegedly in library without permission

Scott Allyn Halverson, 60, Waukee was arrested Friday on charges of two counts of first-offense sex offender-area/activity violation.

A Waukee man and convicted sex offender was arrested Friday after allegedly entering the Waukee Public Library, a space prohibited to him as a registered sex offender.

Scott Allyn Halverson, 60, of 857 S.E. Lakeview Lane, Waukee, was charged with two counts of first-offense sex offender-area/activity violation.

According to court records, Halverson allegedly “was inside of the Waukee Public Library” on April 3 at about 4:30 p.m. and again on April 4 at about 10 a.m.

In both instances, he “did not get gain written/verbal permission from the anyone at the library, including the director,” according to court records, which omission was a violation of the Sex Offender Registry rules and regulations.

Halverson’s presence inside the prohibited area was confirmed by “multiple witnesses as well as video camera footage,” according to court records.

Halverson is held in the Dallas County Jail in advance of an initial appearance in Dallas County District Court.

Halverson was convicted of sexually assaulting a victim under the age of 17 in 1998 in Texas. He was convicted of attempting to entice away a minor for sex in 2010 in U.S. District Court.

*A criminal charge is merely an accusation, and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. 


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