DMACC pinning ceremony honors 20 CNA program grads

Celebrating the CNA pinning are graduates, front row from left, Elizabeth Grell, Kiley Robinson, Alexandra Gonzalez, Sandra Alvayero, Gabriela Orellana, Mia Munoz, Kenneth Martinez and Donovin Delp; second row from left, instructor Danielle Navarro, Icela Vargas, Alisson Diaz, Lillian Carey, Miley Sanchez, Madison Stika, Isaiah Ruiz, McKenna Collum, Avalon Saddoris, NataLeigh Herron, Elizabeth Schaumburg, Jocelyn Canahui and instructor Katie Tuel. Photo courtesy DMACC

Pinning ceremonies were held Wednesday for 20 students who have successfully completed the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program at the DMACC Perry VanKirk Career Academy.

Pinning ceremonies were held Wednesday for 20 students who have successfully completed the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program at the DMACC Perry VanKirk Career Academy.

The afternoon ceremonies took place in the Spring Valley Ballroom of the Hotel Pattee, where some 75 supporters and family members gathered to celebrate the achievements of the news CNAs.

DMACC at Perry VanKirk Career Academy Site Director Eddie Diaz welcomed students and attendees. A brief speech of congratulations was delivered by DMACC Executive Academic Dean of Health Science and Fitness Dr. Jeanie McCarville-Kerber.

Pins and certificates were presented by program instructors Katie Tuel, Danielle Navarro and Megan Nikolish.

  • Sandra Alvayero
  • Jocelyn Canahui
  • Lillian Carey
  • McKennа Collum
  • Donovin Delp
  • Alisson Diaz
  • Alexandra Gonzalez
  • Elizabeth Grell
  • NataLeigh Herron
  • Kenneth Martinez
  • Mia Munoz
  • Gabriela Orellana
  • Kylie Robinson
  • Isaish Ruiz
  • Avalon Saddoris
  • Miley Sanchez
  • Elizabeth Schaumburg
  • Madison Stika
  • Zoey Vail
  • Icela Vargas

Closing remarks preceded the service of light refreshments.


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