Michigan sex offender found working at Jordan Creek kids playground

Jeff Youboty Gwion, 24, of Des Moines was arrested Tuesday on a charge of first-offense sex offender-area/activity violation.

A Des Moines man was arrested on a Dallas County warrant Tuesday in connection with an alleged violation of the Iowa Sex Offender Registry through his employment at Kids Empire at Jordan Creek.

Jeff Youboty Gwion, 24, of 2845 E. 52nd St., Des Moines, was charged with first-offense sex offender-area/activity violation.

Gwion was convicted in Michigan in 2017 for second-degree “criminal sexual conduct (person under 13),” according to records of the Iowa Sex Offender Registry.

In February 2024, officers with the Des Moines Police Department learned that Gwion was working in West Des Moines at “an indoor playground for minors, which violated his exclusionary zone restriction,” according to court records.

A warrant for Gwion’s arrest was ordered March 7 in Dallas County District Court and served May 7. Gwion is held in the Dallas County Jail on a $5,000 cash or surety bond. He is scheduled for arraignment May 9 in Dallas County District Court.

*A criminal charge is merely an accusation, and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. 


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