Girls on the Run 5K includes two dozen athletes from Perry

Ten students from the Perry Middle School ran in Sunday's Girls on the Run 5K in Des Moines. The runners sported orange ribbons in honor of Ahmir Jolliff. Photo courtesy PCSD

Two dozen female runners from the Perry Elementary School and Perry Middle School joined some 2,000 others from across Iowa Sunday for the 15th annual Girls on the Run 5K run at the Iowa Capitol Complex in Des Moines.

Longtime Perry PACES Director Mary Hillman teamed up with Perry Middle School Counselor Megan Maylum to lead 10 elementary school students and 14 middle schoolers, along with their adult running partners, in Sunday’s event, with the sunny weather and enthusiastic crowd making for a perfect day of running, fellowship and celebration.

The Girls on the Run program is a nationwide initiative that promotes self-confidence, health and positive relationships through running.

“Watching these girls cross the finish line is incredibly inspiring,” said Hillman. “They have shown dedication, resilience and an amazing spirit of teamwork throughout the program. This event is not just about running but about empowering young girls to believe in
themselves and their limitless potential.”

The 10 Perry Middle School students and their adult running partners ran the 5k while wearing orange ribbons in honor of Ahmir Jolliff, the 11-year-old sixth grader who was murdered in January.

Since its inception in 1996, the Girls on the Run 5K has grown into a large event, fostering a supportive environment for girls to achieve their goals. The program’s approach combines physical training with lessons on life skills, helping girls navigate their world with confidence.

The 15th anniversary of the 5K not only marked the success of this year’s participants but also highlighted the positive impact the program has had on countless girls over the years.


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