PHS seniors granted both high school diplomas, college degrees this week

Perry High School seniors Kaylee Wuebker, left, and Lily Riley graduated from Perry High School on Sunday while simultaneously earning associate’s degrees from Des Moines Area Community College. Photos courtesy PCSD

Perry High School seniors Lily Riley and Kaylee Wuebker graduated from Perry High School on Sunday while simultaneously earning associate’s degrees from the Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC).

PHS Associate Principal Brad Snowgren said the students’ accomplishments showcased their dedication and perseverance and their ability to manage the rigorous demands of high school and college coursework as well as extracurricular activities.

“We are incredibly proud of Lily Riley and Kaylee Wuebker for their outstanding achievements,” Snowgren said. “Their hard work, determination and success in earning both their high school diplomas and college degrees exemplify the hard work of these students but also of their counselor, Mrs. Horgen, and college advisors who helped guide them.”

Riley and Wuebker took different paths in reaching the necessary number of credits required to earn their AA degrees. Through DMACC’s career advantage program, they took  classes at PHS, where credentialed high school teachers can offer college credit courses, and also at the DMACC Perry VanKirk Career Academy and online through DMACC.

Both graduates intent to continue their studies at four-year universities, which they will enter as juniors thanks to the DMACC credits they have already earned.

Wuebker plans to major in kinesiology and health at Iowa State University and then pursue a master’s degree in physician assistant studies at Des Moines University.

“I chose to pursue a DMACC degree while in high school to get ahead and gain college class experience”, Wuebker said. In addition to her associate’s degree from DMACC, she also obtained certification as both a nurse aide and advanced nurse aide.

These achievements not only bring pride to Perry High School and their parents but also set an example for future students who want to take advantage of the concurrent enrollment opportunities available, said DMACC Perry Director Eddie Diaz. He said the six-year-old Future Ready Perry initiative has increased pathways to college and supported a college-going culture in Perry.

“Future Ready Perry is designed to support and encourage PHS students to pursue higher education and prepare for their future careers while in high school,” said Connie Saenz, coordinator of the Future Ready Perry program. “Lily and Kaylee are role models for the younger students.”

Saenz said that in addition to helping students attain higher-education goals, Future Ready Perry is focused on increasing talent pipelines into the health care, education and manufacturing fields.

“We hope PHS graduates discover and pursue their calling in careers that are key to a thriving community. Healthcare, education and manufacturing are examples of impactful pathways to follow,” said Tom Lipovac, Future Ready Perry leadership team member, “We wish the best to the class of 2024 graduates. Remember, no matter how far you go, Perry will always welcome you back home with open arms.”

Strong ties to the Perry Community School District mean Future Ready Perry works closely with teachers, counselors and administration in their efforts to help students set and achieve educational and career goals. For more information, contact Saenz at 515-428-8100 or


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