Letter to the editor: Schools need more than finger pointing


To the editor:

This weekend I had the privilege of meeting with two fantastic groups of people. First, the College and Young Democrats of Iowa, second, 40 to 50 folks at the Dallas County Democrats Fall Fundraiser.

As a candidate for the Iowa Legislature in District 20 and as a part of the millennial generation, I was happy to hear people’s concerns over issues that bridge the gap between generations. We discussed concerns over big money in politics, rebuilding rural Iowa and, most importantly, education.

The reality of the education situation in our state is unsettling. We have gridlock between the parties, with little compromise between the two. So far the solution has been pointing fingers at the governor, but to ensure a brighter future for Iowans we need more than passing the blame and shortchanging our children.

The first step in finding a meaningful solution is identifying the problem. The second is having the foresight to plan for obstacles that will prevent a solution from being successful.

I know that we have the creativity and manpower to bring generations together and do more than blame others for our problems. It is time that each of us holds our elected officials in the State House accountable for protecting our public education system. It’s clear that Iowans, regardless of background, want to see our schools thrive.

Ask your legislators if they will vote to protect Iowa’s public schools. If they will not, make sure you get out and vote next November for the people who will because our kids should not be carrying the burden of ineffective and failed leadership.

I am running to represent my hometown and the surrounding area in House District 20. I pledge that revitalizing Iowa’s foundation in education will be my top priority. Go to ScottforIowa.com to find out how you can help secure Iowa’s future.

Scott Heldt, Perry


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