Police chief addresses United Methodist Men fellowship group

United Methodist Men welcoming Perry Police Chief Eric Vaughn, second from right, included, from left, Dale Whitehead, Dan Haymond, Bob Warner, Joe Royer and Rev. Walter Sieck. Photo courtesy United Methodist men Secretary Doug Wood

Perry Chief of Police Eric Vaughn addressed the United Methodist Men of the Perry First United Methodist Church at their recent monthly meeting, briefing them on the latest law enforcement technologies.

Vaughn spoke about a new computer software system that shows the location of all Perry officers and other members of law enforcement who are logged into the statewide system. The system facilitates communication.

Other technologies included the department’s new body cameras, Taser electric stun guns, bullet proof vests and other equipment a Perry peace officer typically carries.

Vaughn also described the Crime Stoppers program and the challenges faced by officers, such as patrolling the large number of people on the streets of Perry at night.


  1. While I commend and am very proud of our local police, I have to laugh at the last sentence. Take it from a lifelong pedestrian, there are no great throngs of people about after dark in Perry, Iowa. Our local bars entertain fewer than half the patrons they once had on the weekends. You can walk on Willis five nights a week and never see a headlight for several blocks at a time.


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