St. Patrick’s School students perform Alice in Wonderland

Alice is put on trial during St. Patrick's School presentation of Alice in Wonderland. The students had a 1:30 p.m. performance for their classmates Thursday and invite the public to see their efforts at 7 p.m. tonight.

The costumes were amazing, the sets well-done and the performances entertaining Thursday afternoon as the St. Patrick’s school students delighted their fellow students and several guests with a performance of Alice in Wonderland.

The play will be produced for the public at 7 p.m. tonight, with no admission charged.

Teachers Rachel Knutson and Darcy Spellman led a variety of students in grades 6-8 in the production, with Amy McNamara serving as student director.

Riese Archer as the White Rabbit and Bree Martin as Alice enter Wonderland.
Riese Archer as the White Rabbit and Bree Martin as Alice enter Wonderland.

Bree Martin stars as Alice, with Riese Archer providing an energetic and humorous performance as the White Rabbit while Beyonce Gonzalez and David Roberts serve as the Queen and King of Hearts.

Other cast members include Zoe Meyer (Caterpillar, Knave), Victor Santis (Pigeon, Card 2), Marielena Ramirez (Duchess, Card 7) Jayna Kenney (Chesire Cat), Adrianna Canal (Mad Hatter), Angela Hernandez (March Hare), Ceanna Light (Doormouse), Peyton Tunink (Cook, Card 5), Chase Archer (Footman 1, Jury) and Tony Burgos (Footman 2, Jury). Several students also had off-stage voice roles and other minor roles.

Elizabeth Rodriguez, Ashley Macias, Sean Spencer, Chase Archer and Tony Burgos served as the stage crew.


  1. Alice, the Caterpillar, the March Hare, the Mad Hatter, the Queen are all very pretty. The costumes were on point. The men who played the jury were awesome. There should have been more pictures that showed Alice being not weird because those pictures were weird and there needs to be more pictures of the boys. Thank you so much ~ Brad Wits


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