Young Perry scientists travel to Ames for state science fair

Four St. Patrick's School students, from left, seventh grader Adrianna Escalante, seventh grader Angela Hernandez, eighth grader Anna Ridnour and eighth grader Stephanie Hill displayed their science projects March 27 at the 2015 State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa held at Hilton Coliseum in Ames.

2015pin3Four students from St. Patrick’s School in Perry participated last month in the 2015 Science and Technology Fair of Iowa held at Hilton Coliseum in Ames.

“The students had a great experience and got to meet other young scientists from all over the state,” said Tony Cosentino. middle school mathematics and science teacher at St. Pat’s. “Students even got a tour of the Cyclone locker room,” he said.

The state science fair entrants included St. Pat’s eighth grader Stephanie Hill, whose presentation was called, “Does Smell Affect Taste?”  seventh grader Adrianna Escalante asked, “What Does Handwriting Say about Your Personality?” seventh grader Angela Hernandez presented “The Lifespan of a Bubble” and eighth grader Anna Ridnour showed her work on “Bendable Bones.”

The State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa is affiliated with the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, a worldwide precollegiate science fair. The Iowa science fair is open to students in grades six through twelve. About 500 student research projects are presented by some 600 students in the annual event.

Projects are judged on the following criteria: creative ability, scientific thought or technology goals, research thoroughness, technical skill, clarity and dramatic value in the oral presentation.

A Grand Award Ceremony caps the event, at which more than $70,000 in scholarships and prizes are awarded to Iowa students for their excellence in research. The top two individual projects and the top team project are invited to attend, with their teachers, the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.



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