Sun dogs and stark landscapes brighten a winter day

Sun dogs "barked" their presence in Perry Jan. 9. as seen in this photo, snapped north of the city.

On Saturday, Jan. 9 the Perry varsity basketball teams hosted Roland-Story for a boys/girls twin bill, with the girls game starting at 1 p.m. The boys game followed, and ended at approximately 4 p.m.

After collecting statistical information, I stepped outside and found sun dogs barking from the west.

A sun dog brightens the winter sky over Perry.
A sun dog brightens the winter sky over Perry.

Sun dogs are formed in the winter when sunlight filters through ice crystals, creating rainbow-like pillars at 22 degrees to either side of the sun. Often a vertical column extends from the sun as well.

With fresh snow on the ground and the sun creating such a photo-friendly sunset, I took the opportunity to travel around the northern edges of Perry, searching for landscapes and settings that brought out the beauty of simple scenes.

Winter, it is said, takes the color out of nature. Perhaps. But it does not eliminate the beauty, as I hope you will agree after viewing the gallery below.

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