Letter to the editor: Dallas County gravel roads in sad shape


To the editor:

For the last couple of weeks, we have been contacting Dallas County Engineer Al Miller in regards to the total lack of maintenance on our gravel road.

We have not had a grader in here since winter, and that was to clear snow. Repeated attempts to get the county out here have yielded nothing.

He said he’d get a maintainer out here when I called him Thursday, May 12. I got home, and no road maintenance had been done.

We have to drive around the potholes, and our neighbors drive in our yard to avoid them.

From what I’ve heard, this is typical in northern Dallas County. Why aren’t we being heard? Why do we get the run around?

Eric Daniels


  1. We ain’t a suburb of Des Moines. We ain’t yuppies. We ain’t exactly all Caucasian. We ain’t important.

  2. While we don’t live on a gravel road, we use them frequently to get from farm to farm, and many of them are in TERRIBLE shape! I wonder why the priority is mowing ditches when so many of the roads are almost impassable for cars.


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