“Beef” Roberts recognized for 30 years at Perry Post Office

The most familiar face in Perry, Dave "Beef" Roberts was honored Tuesday on the 30th anniversary of his employment with the U.S. Postal Service.

David Roberts of Perry marked 30 years with the U.S. Postal Service Tuesday with a brief ceremony held in his honor.

“Thanks for all of the well wishes yesterday,” Robert said Wednesday. “Thirty years down, less than 10 to go till retirement. Time sure does fly.”

Locally known by the nickname “Beef,” Roberts began his USPS career as a carrier in 1986, moved to a part-time clerk position in 1990 and became a full-time clerk in 1994.

Perry Postmaster Sheila Ludwikowski presented Roberts with a certificate of appreciation Tuesday, and his fellow postal workers honored him with good-natured humor.

“Congratulations, Beef!” said fellow USPS veteran Joe McCarty of Perry. “You deserve recognition for putting up with us all these years. Say, who is that sitting on my stool? Tell him he had better be putting up some mail and don’t scuff up the R2 stool!”

McCarty retired in 2014. Roberts said he has 9.5 years until retirement, so Perry-area residents have plenty of time left to see one of the town’s most familiar faces.

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