Perry Police Report Dec. 7


December 6, 2016

  • A caller said “two of her children are refusing to get ready for school.” The Perry Police Department School Resource Officer responded.
  • A caller from the Perry Elementary School asked for help from the Perry Police Department School Resource Officer “with a third grade student who needed to be removed and placed in a calming room.”
  • A caller from a local retail store asked whether an officer of the Perry Police Department would check the welfare of a “loyal customer” who “always calls in her grocery order on Tuesday and has not done so.” An officer responded and found the loyal customer “on the floor in the bathroom, conscious but confused and has some injuries.” The Dallas County EMS was paged. The officer informed the caller of the disposition of the case.
  • A caller said “his vehicle was broken into last night.” An officer responded.
  • A caller said it “sounds like someone is attempting to break in.” Officers responded but found no intruder.
  • A caller said someone with a “flashlight” was “walking around her house, knocking on the windows and doors.” Officers responded but did not find anyone outside the residence.

*A criminal charge is merely an accusation, and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.


  1. I am thankful to live in a community where people, such as at the aforementioned retail store, are so aware as to call for a welfare check on a customer. You are caring, wonderful people!


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