Letter to the editor: Women’s March in Des Moines empowers


To the editor:

The Women’s March at the Iowa State Capitol was overflowing with families and friends together on Saturday, Jan. 21. I heard there were 26,000 people in attendance.

No one was in a hurry to leave. I was there from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The Women’s March was a fun festival, where the crowd carried homemade signs, wore hand-knitted pussy caps, milled around, listened to speakers, chanted and marched around the capitol.

There were great speakers throughout the event who was broadcast through high-powered speakers and a large video screen.

After talking to those in the crowd — there were women, men and children — it was heartwarming to find how many were well informed and ready to take action to protect their rights.

I signed up 100 people who were enthused to receive action alerts for the United State of Women.

Julie Stewart



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