“Bottomland” chosen title for 2017 All Iowa Reads


Michelle Hoover

“Bottomland,” a 2016 novel by native Iowan Michelle Hoover, has been chosen for the annual Iowa Center for the Book’s All Iowa Reads event.

Part mystery, part tragedy, part coming-of-age narrative, “Bottomland,” according to a reviewer, “follows the Hess family in the years after World War I as they attempt to rid themselves of the anti-German sentiment that left a stain on their name. But when the youngest two daughters vanish in the middle of the night, the family must piece together what happened while struggling to maintain their life on the unforgiving Iowa plains.”

The Perry Public Library has sponsored a discussion of the chosen book every year since the founding of the All Iowa Reads program in 2002, and this year will be no exception. Discussion facilitator George Minot will lead a community-wide book discussion Tuesday, April 25 at 7 p.m. in the Perry Public Library’s large meeting room.

The purpose of All Iowa Reads is to foster unity through reading. Readers have the opportunity to rediscover the joy of reading and joining in a community-wide reading event.

Books are available now at the Perry Public Library to check out or to purchase. For more information, call the library at 515-465-3569.


  1. I simply must acquire and read this. This partial review has jogged loose some old memories. No, I am not 140 years old, but my grandparents were around during the early 1900s. Anyway, it seems xenophobia in America is nothing new.


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