Dozens meet as AccuJet hosts monthly Chamber coffee Friday

Three dozen or more friends of AccuJet Iowa sipped coffee, snacked on sweet rolls and talked local business Friday morning at the Perry Chamber of Commerce's third coffee time event.

The Perry Chamber of Commerce’s monthly coffee confab attracted more than 40 people Friday morning to the AccuJet Iowa shop floor at 12155 J Ave. near Perry.

Kyle and Mindy Baxter of Perry, owners of AccuJet, thanked their local business visitors for joining them and said their 11 years of steady growth and business success was largely due to the dutifulness and diligence of their day-glowing work crew, who stood clustered around the back counter.

Mindy said the business bought two new vacuum trucks in 2015 and one in 2016, with another new vacuum unit slated for fiscal year 2018.

“We’ve also got three camera system now, too,” she said, “so every crew is set up with a truck and a camera system.”

Kyle said AccuJet is now the go-to cleaning and inspection service for more than 85 percent of new construction in the Des Moines metro area.

“We also have maintenance contracts with 45 cities in this area,” he said, including Perry and other towns in Dallas County.

John Herold of Panora, a recent retiree who sometimes works as the AccuJet public relations point person, said he is bullish on AccuJet because the company treats its workers well.

“I can’t say enough good things about this company,” Herold said. “They have an ethical way of treating their workers that makes the workers ethical in their turn.”

For more information about AccuJet, visit their website or call 515-360-8582.


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