Letter to the editor: Connections matter, reader says


To the editor:

If you opened up the newspaper or have turned on the news this past month, you have unfortunately seen several reports of child abuse across our state. These reports are always terribly sad and often frustrating, but they strike an extra-sensitive nerve when they collide with Child Abuse Prevention Month.

It is clear that Iowa and local communities still have a way to go to keep all children protected. Here at the Dallas County Children’s Advocacy Council, we oversee funds and programs — such as sexual abuse prevention classes and parenting classes — throughout Dallas County.

However, we know that just our work is not enough. That’s why, as April draws to a close, we are asking that the community and each individual that lives in our county truly see and become involved in the children’s lives that weave in and out of their own.

Supporting families and building connections not only reduces the risk of child abuse and neglect, but it also mitigates the negative effects of childhood trauma. Building a connection is as easy as reaching out to a neighbor, helping a scout group or volunteering at your local school.

Also consider volunteering with or donating to some organizations that are already touching children’s and families’ lives, such as Iowa State University Extension and Outreach in Dallas County, Partner’s in Family Development and Crisis Intervention and Advocacy Center.

Together we can give our children the foundation they need to reach their full potential and build a community that is safer and healthier. Because connections matter!

Jessica Delp, Adel
Dallas County Children’s Advocacy Council


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