Local teachers land service clubs’ honors

Winners of the 2016-2017 Rotary Teachers of the Year, from left, Tami Valline, Perry High School guidance counselor, and Jodi Schuttler, Perry Middle School guidance counselor, were presented this year's honors by Perry Rotarian Lynn Ubben.

The end of the school year brings a flurry of teaching awards, and two of the most distinguished local awards were announced Friday.

Roger Niemeyer was named recipient of the Masonic Education Award for the 206-2017 school year. Niemeyer retires at the end of this year after 29 years at the Perry Middle School.

The Perry Rotary Club also announced the winners of the Rotary Teachers of the Year, and and Tami Valline, high school guidance counselor, and Jodi Schuttler, middle school guidance counselor, received this year’s Rotary honors.

Roger Niemeyer, left, was presented the Masonic Education Award for the 206-2017 school year by Perry Mason Brent Halling.


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