Dexter UMC serves Swiss steak dinner Sunday

Last Sunday's Swiss steak dinner at the Dexter United Methodist Church followed close on the heels of the Washington Township School pork dinner and the Rippey UMC ice cream social.

As we gradually shift from summer to fall, it becomes time to hymn the praise of our beloved Dinner Season. The Washington Township School provided the first official start to this Friday, Sept. 15 with their pork dinner.

The Dexter United Methodist Church followed suit with their dinner this past Sunday. Dexter has a long history of providing such dinners. This was how they paid for their fellowship hall, which was built in 2006.

The church itself was dedicated in January 1909 and has faced some repair needs, which are to be expected in a structure nearly 110 years old. Recent repairs have included work on the church’s foundation and air conditioning updates.

The funds raised from Sunday’s free-will offerings will be used for future building needs and a multitude of mission projects.

The menu included Swiss steak, mashed potatoes with country gravy, corn, salad, dinner roll, homemade apple crisp and your choice of beverage.

Frequent church-dinner diners Dan Haymond and I are always enthusiastically welcomed by the members of the church.

This season offers a multitude of dinners during the next couple of months. Upcoming dinners include Avondale Church in Fontanelle and Bowman Chapel UMC west of Guthrie Center.



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