Guthrie Center ham balls, Panora chicken delight pious pilgrims

The original bleachers have been preserved in the Veterans Auditorium in Panora, site of St. Cecelia’s annual chicken dinner.

One of the great treats of the fall church dinner season is the annual harvest dinner held at the Christian Church Community Building in Guthrie Center.

The Christian Women’s Fellowship of the church hosts the annual dinner, which I have attended for the past few years. Their specialty is ham balls and cheesy potatoes. Along with these, the lucky eater has a choice of vegetables, several salads and a multitude of desserts.

During some years, the line of people waiting to get in extends out the door.

I asked the lady who was directing the patrons to the start of the line what the funds raised would be used for. She said hurricane relief, people in need in the community, camps for kids and other projects or needs that may arise.

I also asked her how many years has the event been going on. She said she is 65 years old, and the dinner has been held as far back as she can remember.

I also noted the church is celebrating its 100th birthday this year.

Each year while traveling to this dinner, I have noticed another dinner going on while passing through Panora. This is St. Cecelia’s annual chicken dinner. Last year I was full from Guthrie Center, but I stopped to give them a donation.

This year I stopped again and came away with a take-out dinner for Sports Editor Jeff Webster.

St. Cecelia’s annual chicken dinner is held in Veterans Auditorium is Panora. This is a rustic old gymnasium that has been preserved and used for community events such as this. It is interesting to see the old style of seating that school gymnasiums used to use.

Each group has their dinner the first Sunday of the month. There are many dinners to come in the next month.


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