Letter to the editor: Behind rhetoric, Reynolds serves rich


To the editor:

I understand Kim Reynolds plans to campaign against Fred Hubbell using her “everyday Iowa” background against his “wealthy upbringing.” Can she say that with a straight face while standing by a Trump poster?

Iowans have long known that a candidate’s background as an ordinary Iowan takes a back seat to the candidate’s policy perspectives and to whom those policies benefit.

That’s why many Iowans view Franklin Delano Roosevelt as one of the best U.S. presidents. He came from an immensely wealthy, old New York family, but his policies benefited farmers and laborers, not big business.

Monica Peitz


  1. Kim Reynolds is a cut off the old Branstad block of benighted arrogance. Her campaign is based on personal attacks and … her narrative of working to balance income and family. Big deal – so did we ALL! Nothing new here. Her Democratic opponent, Fred Hubbell is making the campaign about issues. We’d rather hear about issues. We cannot drink our well water. There are no turtles in the Des Moines River – hardly. The soil is lifeless and hog stench, not fresh, sweet air is now the norm for rural Iowa.

    Are Iowans so stupid that we will run after the dog whistles of candidates who profess to be of common clay, when really, they support the ultra wealthy like DJ Trump? Maybe the phrase now should be, “Iowa Stupid”, not “Iowa Nice”. We’d suggest, “Iowa Angry” and let’s collectively get of our duffs and vote in November. We change so called, leaders with our votes, hopefully, we will not resort to bully with bullets and Alt-Right dogma.

    Our parents were young children during WWII, yet memories of their parents deep concern about the dictators Hitler and Mussolini were internalized by listening and asking questions. Of our remaining Parent, the concerns about dictators lives on – and… the wise, 89 year old Senior claims Trump is another Hitler.
    Kim Reynolds aligned herself with Trump.


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