Letter to the editor: Warren Varley in Bob Ray mold, reader says

Warren Varley of Stuart spoke briefly Feb. 5 to Democratic caucus goers in Perry about his campaign for the Iowa House District 20 seat.

To the editor:

At Bob Ray’s funeral, David Oman, his friend and former chief of staff, said this: “Gov. Ray knew how to campaign, and he knew how to govern — and he knew the difference.”

The Rev. Bill Spangler-Dunning, who officiated the funeral, said this: “I heard only yesterday that some say that they don’t make leaders like him anymore. I think, to the contrary, he hoped and, I daresay, believed that they do. They’re just sitting in pews, waiting to be inspired to rise. May you rise soon and change the world like he did.”

Warren Varley (Varley For Iowa) is one of those “waiting in the pews” Iowans. He is a leader in the Bob Ray mold and a leader in the finest sense — he leads to improve life for others, not just himself.

He serves on boards and commissions at his church and in the community, always focused on the greater good, not personal gain. He’s compassionate, kind, bright and interested in quality of life.

He constantly asks, “How can our community be better? What do we need to do to make that happen? How can we better serve all of the people who have chosen this place to live?”

He was raised in a fine Republican family. Andy Varley, his dad, was a Bob Ray friend and fellow Iowa Republican leader. He knew an election was about governance and once it was over, there had to be confidence that Iowa leaders would consider ALL of the people and govern for the greater good.

Warren knows that. He learned it from his dad, and he knows it in his soul. I hope you’ll consider this as you reflect on what you want Iowa to look like.

I’m supporting Warren on Nov. 6 not because of how he campaigns but because of his hopes for our wonderful state.

Susan Olesen



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