Bowman Chapel United Methodist Church dinner an annual joy

Every year the Bowman Chapel United Methodist Church, located west of Guthrie Center, serves a wonderful roast beef dinner.

This past Sunday, we ventured into Guthrie Center territory to Bowman Chapel United Methodist Church, which is located west of Guthrie Center. Each year they host a great roast beef dinner.

Unfortunately, the Dexter United Methodist Church was also holding a pork loin dinner at the same day and time. There was no way to get to both dinners. I will have to send Dexter’s donation to them. The Dexter ladies will sure miss Dan.

Dan and I headed out to this dinner around 11:15 a.m., and it takes about an hour to drive to. Dan drove. As usual, the parking was quite full, but they had two men directing traffic, and they helped us to pull into a recently emptied parking space.

Rural churches each have some unusual trait that you do not see in the towns. There the church members always park their cars on the grass of the cemetery to make room for parking for the guests of the meal. I wonder what they will do when the cemetery is someday filled up, and there will be no open space to park the cars.

When we got into the church, there was a line, and we each received a ticket with a number to get in. My number was 124. Then we waited in the sanctuary. I took some time to look around at the items that they were selling.

I bought four jars of lime pickles and some peanut brittle. The peanut brittle was especially delicious. I noticed hanging on the bulletin board a sign listing every Guthrie Center area dinner. Guthrie Center is the kingdom of dinners this time of year.

The items were held for me until I was ready to leave. The lady heading up this area was quite enthusiastic. It is nice to see people with enthusiasm.

After a while, we got to go in to the dinner. I always notice at Bowman Chapel that the workers included several younger people helping with this dinner. It is good to see because often it is mainly older people working. Not at Bowman Chapel.

As always there is roast beef so tender that it almost cannot be picked up, homemade mashed potatoes, home-preserved corn, green beans, several salads, a large selection of desserts and beverages.

We ate until we were full. The meal was very satisfying and had the taste and feel of a home-cooked Sunday dinner at home.

Before we left, I picked up my items. Dan looked around and bought several items. Then we headed home.

We got home after 2 p.m., and then I headed out to Des Moines to attend an extra session of the conference that I attended through Wednesday this week. My main objective was to see where the event was being held, see where the parking ramps were with less traffic and get more CEUs. I need 40 every two years.

More dinners coming up this weekend.


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