Ham balls, gun shows brighten weekends in October

The Woodward Christian Church served ham balls.

By the end of October, there were still a lot of dinners to attend. Many I had to miss because they were on the same day and at the same time as other dinners, and gluttony is a deadly sin to avoid.

For this cycle, after work I headed for the Boone Area Humane Society soup supper held Oct. 25 at the United Methodist Church in Boone. Dan could not attend because he had to work out of state. The purpose of this dinner is to raise funds for the care of animals in the shelter in Boone.

They served chilli and potato soup. This potato soup was different in that it did not have a cream or milk base and so produced a sort of a watery type of potato soup. They also had corn bread that contained corn in it. Also different but good.

On my way to this dinner, Madonna from the Woodward Christian Church called me to inform me about the Woodward Christian Church ham ball dinner on Saturday night. I assured her that I would be there and likely Dan would, too.

There were no dinners on Oct. 26, but the 27th was another story.

Just as last year, Dan and I were faced with either attending the DeSoto United Methodist Church chicken and noodle dinner for lunch or the Minburn United Methodist chicken and noolde dinner on Saturday. So as not to make a hard decision, we chose both.

I drove, and we headed to DeSoto around 11 a.m. It is a farther drive than one thinks. We got there and parked close to the church. In reality, anywhere in town is close to the church. We figured out the puzzle of the entrance, which ended up being in the back and led to the basement.

Once again this year, they had a good crowd although not as crowded as when we attended last year. They had a good serving line for such a small basement. We took it easy. They served chicken and noodles over mashed potatoes, relish, salad and dessert. This is an annual event for fellowship and raises money for church needs and missions.

We then headed to Minburn. People will often asked which chicken noodle dinner is the best. You have to say they all were good. Each of the churches has a different slant on making the noodles, and they are all unique.

At Minburn we know a lot of people, and the church is part of our parish. They served chicken and noodles over mashed potatoes, home-frozen corn, dinner roll, salad and dessert. Again a chance for fellowship and to raise funds for church needs and missions.

By the time I got three-quarters of the way finished eating, I was stuffed. Two of these dinners is a killer but good. I did finish everything but did not have seconds. We visited for a while and left.

By the time evening rolled around, it was time for the Woodward Christian Church ham ball dinner. They have hosted this for the past couple of years at this time of year. They serve ham balls, cheesy potatoes, buttered corn with peppers in it, dinner roll, pie and a drink.

They had written on a chalk board that the monies raised were for missions. By the time I ate this dinner, I was very full.

On Sunday I could have attended a turkey dinner at the Waukee Catholic Church, but instead I went to a gun show in Des Moines after church that day. Sunday is gun day. Still more dinner adventures to come.


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