Letter to the editor: Schumacher explains need for school bond

Forty-two-year PHS Industrial Technology Instructor Dale Schumacher supports the Feb. 5 school bond referendum. Schumacher retired in 2007, and the school named the industrial technoogy lab in his honor.

To the editor:

In all the years that I taught in the Industrial Technology Department in Perry, there always seemed to be the concept that if you are going to be successful, you have to go to a four-year college, and I think that feeling is getting even stronger now.

The truth is there is a severe shortage of skilled workers in our society, whether you’re talking about carpenters, electricians, auto technicians, machine operators, welders, plumbers — and I could go on. These types of professions do not require a four-year degree but can be very rewarding and profitable careers.

The Industrial Technology Department in Perry has helped many students get started on that route to their careers. The interesting thing is that these students are more likely to stay in the community, raise families, start businesses, employ workers and become community leaders than the four-year college students, who for the most part do not return to Perry.

The SkillsUSA student organization provides industrial technology students with leadership training and competitive events. It gives the students the chance to experience success, both in leadership and skills contests.

Success is a terrific motivator for students. Once a student experiences success, they want more of it and will work for it. Everyone wants to be the best in what they do. Let’s help the staff provide the students the chance to experience success by providing adequate facilities.

The PHS facilities need to be updated and expanded if we are going to be able to continue to provide a sizeable group of our students with the background they need to have to get started in their careers.

The present facilities have had little done to improve them in over 50 years. It’s time we provide them the facilities that will help the staff to do their job of teaching students the skills they need.

Please support and vote for the bond issue to expand and update the Industrial Technology facilities on Feb. 5, 2019.

Dale Schumacher


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