Perry Police Report Jan. 26


January 24, 2019

  • A caller said a “puppy tied up out front” of a residence “has been out there for over 20 minutes.” An officer responded “but did not see any dogs tied up outside.”
  • A caller said “she was on the way to a pig farm to pick up a friend and got stuck.” The Dallas County Sheriff’s office was notified.
  • A caller “requested assistance for a male who has his motorized scooter stuck.” An officer responded.
  • A manĀ entered the offices of the Perry Police Department at 908 Willis Ave. and said he “wanted to talk to someone about issues he is having at the trailer park.” The man said “they are accusing him of something involving the dumpster.” An officer responded.
  • A patrolling officer of the Perry Police Department encountered “a small child in a vehicle who was crying and no parent around.” A second officer responded. The officer “spoke with the female and was free to go.”
  • A caller said “she locked her keys in her vehicle.” The caller was provided the phone number of a local tow service.

January 25, 2019

  • A caller said “she is having trouble with her boyfriend” and “doesn’t know what to do.” An officer responded.
  • A caller said someone was “attempting to get his snowmobile out of the ditch” and “will most likely ride it back to his residence.” An officer “patrolled the area but was unable to locate the snowmobile.”
  • A caller said a “van hit his parked vehicle.” The caller said the van driver “left even though he tried stopping him.” Officers responded.
  • A caller reported debris “on the road in front of his house.” Officers responded.
  • A 16-year-old male entered the offices of the Perry Police Department at 908 Willis Ave. and “began crying.” The boy said “he’d gotten into an argument with his parents and left the house,” wearing neither shoes nor coat. An officer responded and “took him to an interview room and gave him a blanket and turned on a heater for him.” Another officer made contact with the boy’s father and “advised him to bring shoes and a coat.” When the boy’s father arrived, the officer “talked with them both about the issue, and the juvenile left with his father.”
  • A manĀ entered the offices of the Perry Police Department at 908 Willis Ave. with a wallet he said he found. An officer responded and made contact with the owner of the wallet, who retrieved it.

*A criminal charge is merely an accusation, and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.


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