John Delaney comes to Perry Perk February 19

Candidate for the Democratic nomination for U.S. President John Delaney will meet and greet local voters Tuesday, Feb. 19 from 4-5:30 p.m. at the Perry Perk coffeehouse at 1201 Warford St. in downtown Perry.

Candidate for the Democratic nomination for U.S. President John Delaney will meet and greet local voters Tuesday, Feb. 19 from 4-5:30 p.m. at the Perry Perk coffeehouse at 1201 Warford St. in downtown Perry.

Maryland Congressman and candidate for the 2020 Democratic nomination for U.S. President John Delaney will meet and greet local voters Tuesday, Feb. 19 from 4-5:30 p.m. at the Perry Perk coffeehouse at 1201 Warford St. in downtown Perry.

Rep. Delaney was elected to Congress in 2012 after more than two decades as a successful entrepreneur and business executive. He announced his presidential bid in July 2017.

Perry Democrat Ray Harden was among a group of about 30 people who met Delaney in December at the home Connie Klug in rural Adel. Harden shared his impressions of the candidate with

“Delaney believes that the recent midterm election showed that Americans are going against the Trump and the Republican party,” Harden said. “The Democrats who won seats in the U.S. House gave a positive message and spoke about issues and what they wanted to do when elected. They were not just anti-Trump.”

Delaney said the Democratic Party has to work on issues that most Americans agree upon and push those ideas. He thought that was a mistake that Hilary Clinton made in 2016. She did not define her candidacy and say why she was running.

“The problems we have to solve and deal with are immigration, border security, infrastructure, health care and insurance costs,” Harden said. “He felt these issues can be solved if the county works together. Delaney feels that he can be the leader to get these problems solved.”

Harden said Delaney also decried “the hyper-partisan politics” seen today and tendency of “elected officials to put their party ahead of what is good for out country. He seemed like a good middle-of-the-road Democrat and his wife, April, is also a lawyer who works in non-profits. She was also a good speaker. She said they have the same views on many of the same issues but try to keep political discussion out of their family time. I think they have four daughters.”

Many of Delaney’s ideas are outlined in his recent book, “The Right Answer- How We Can Unify our Divided Nation.” He has a bacheloe’s degree from Columbia University and a law degree from Georgetown University.


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