Aspiring hay bales on display at Lucas County art contest

The Bloody Red Baron was the fantasy rival of Charles M. Schultz's famous cartoon dog, Snoopy.

Minions, monkeys and a monster—Oh, my!

Head to Chariton, Iowa, and the surrounding area for the fourth annual Lucas County Hay Bale Art Contest. The creative designs vary from several rectangular bales forming Snoopy atop his dog house to many round bales forming a giant, hungry caterpillar, curling through a field filled with books.

In between you can find a headless snowperson, Rapunzel’s castle and many more.

These are not your usual unassuming hay bales on sale at area auctions or lounging in countryside fields. These hay bales aspired to make an artistic statement.

Maps are available on the Chariton-Area Chamber of Commerce website or in the Chamber’s offices, found on the east side of Chariton’s town square, as well as at various businesses in Chariton.

These unique works of art are on view through Nov. 1.


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