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Ann Cochran

Ann Cochran
Avoiding food waste is among the best practices during times of soaring prices, but there is a limit on being frugal: Be careful not to keep food so long that it spoils. Iowa State University Extension has lots of tips...
For children too young for swimming pools, splash pads are a fun alternative. Timid children enjoy playing around the edge, and for bolder children the fountains are amazing. Here are some cautions for parents and caregivers: Splash pads can spread germs...
What is self-compassion? Maybe it’s better to start with what it is not. Self-compassion is not feeling sorry for yourself or endlessly pampering yourself, and self-compassion isn’t an excuse for poor behavior or repeating the same mistakes. Interestingly, we’re taught to...
Blood donation is sometimes referred to as the gift of life. For persons suffering from chronic disease or undergoing major surgery or for victims of an accident, receiving donated blood may make the difference between survival and death. How does...
What’s the connection between severe weather and food? Think about some possible conditions during and after storms and floods. At this time of the year, thunderstorms and tornados can cause loss of electrical power, and the same can happen during...
"How do I get one of those buttons to wear in case I fall?" This is a question we health navigators at the Dallas County Health Department are asked frequently. A personal emergency response system can literally save lives. The suffering...
This past year, a study from Harvard University showed that one-third of all Americans and nearly two-thirds of young adults reported feeling lonely. The figure was even higher among mothers with young children. More than half responded that their loneliness...
When was the last time you picked up some crayons and just sat and colored? While you’re stressed with a busy schedule, this might seem like a ridiculous waste of time, or it could be an opportunity to refresh your...
Bacteria and viruses are the most common causes of food poisoning. Symptoms and severity of food poisoning vary, depending on what has contaminated the food. Here are some details: Bacillus cereus: This bacteria grows in foods that have sat...
About one-third of adults in the U.S. say that most nights they get fewer than the recommended number of hours of sleep. This is also true among adolescents and even some children. Packed schedules and stress in our lives can...