Dallas County EMS says, ‘Thanks!’ to people of Dallas County


The Dallas County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) issued a message of thanks Saturday to the people of Dallas County. The message follows:

A Message from Dallas County EMS to the people of Dallas County:

What strange times we live in now! In a time where it’s hard to know how to feel . . . whether sad that we have lost the way of life we used to enjoy, anxious as we wait out this virus or just a general feeling of helplessness and wishing we could do more. But let us tell you how all of us at Dallas County Emergency Medical Services feel . . . gratitude. The outpouring of support from the community has been amazing.

Thank you to the people who have offered us a place to stay if we need to quarantine away from our families. Thank you to those who have dropped off food. We have been getting busier, and being able to grab a quick snack or meal while on the go has been a lifesaver. Thank you to the businesses offering discounts. Every bit is appreciated, and we are shopping local to support you, too.

Thank you to those who have donated PPE, whether for us, our patients or to distribute to the community. It is greatly appreciated. Thank you to all the volunteer First Responders who have stepped up and helped us take care of patients and keep everyone safe. Thank you to all the other healthcare providers who are working hand in hand right alongside of us. We are stronger together.

It has been great to see the tight-knit towns of the county come together and take care of each other. Not that any of us wanted to work through a pandemic, but there is nowhere else we’d rather do it. It’s the citizens of Dallas County and their generosity and their spirit that will carry us through this. When you see us out and about, just know that we are smiling underneath our masks, and we are thankful for all of you.

Wash your hands and stay safe. We’ll get through this together.

Thank You,
Dallas County EMS


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