Dallas County Republicans party like patriots with My Pillow Guy

The Dallas County GOP's 2020 fundraiser was headlined by the My Pillow Guy Mike Lindell, a multimillionaire inventor and CEO of the MyPillow corporation. Photo courtesy Dallas County Republicans

DES MOINES, Iowa — The Dallas County GOP pulled out all the stops Thursday evening at its second annual Party Like a Patriot fundraiser at the Fred Maytag II Scout Center in Des Moines.

Nearly 300 Dallas County Republicans munched on boxed Chick-fil-A fare and social distanced in order to minimize the community spread of SARS-CoV-2.

The keynote address was delivered by My Pillow guy, Mike Lindell, a multimillionaire inventor and CEO of the MyPillow corporation who came to the attention of many Americans March 30, when President Donald Trump introduced Lindell during a daily coronavirus task force briefing.

Fundraising auction items were grouped around the theme, “Sleep Well America — Rise and Shine Republicans!” and included sleepy-time items such as My Pillow Giza Dream bedsheets, conservative bedtime books, a bedtime electric tooth brush and teeth whitening session and a curated selection of night caps.

Lindell donated bedsheet-fabric face masks to help keep his Dallas County Republican friends virus free.

“A great team of planners and worker-bees put together a wonderful and fun fundraiser,” said a party spokesperson on Facebook Friday. “Thanks to all who came, who contributed and who volunteered.”

While the media was excluded from the event, the podium was purportedly shared by Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg, U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst, Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate and all Dallas County GOP elected officials and candidates for office.


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