Flu rates are soaring so take these common-sense steps now


Data show that the flu season is ramping up early. Flu hospitalizations are higher at this point in the season than they have been in a decade.

Influenza is also spreading at the same time as other respiratory illnesses, including RSV and COVID-19.

The best way to prevent flu is by getting a flu vaccine each year. Everyone aged 6 months and older should get a flu vaccine.

While a vaccine won’t 100% guarantee against getting the flu, your chances will be much lower. And after vaccination, if you do get influenza, you’ll be less likely to get sick enough to be hospitalized.

There are methods other than shots to prevent getting respiratory sicknesses. This winter, try getting in the habit of not touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

A simple but effective way to help keep everyone well is frequent hand washing. Covering sneezes and coughs and staying away from others when you’re sick will reduce the spread of flu among your circle of friends.

Check the website of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for details on how respiratory illnesses spread and the timeframe for when flu is contagious. This can help you decide when to keep children home from school.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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