Governor alludes to ‘tragic events in Perry’ in annual address

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds alluded Tuesday to the "tragic events in Perry" in her annual State of the State address.

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds opened her annual State of the State address for 2024 Tuesday with a reference to the tragic gun violence last week in Perry. Here are the opening paragraphs of the governor’s speech:

Last week, the unthinkable happened in Iowa when shots were fired in the halls of Perry High School, taking the life of 11-year-old Ahmir Jolliff, and injuring seven others.

Our hearts are still heavy and our prayers continue for the victims and their families and for the entire Perry community.

It’s impossible to understand why things like this happen. The senselessness of it shakes us to our very core.

Yet even in the darkest hour, light and hope break through. That was certainly the case on that day.

Principal Dan Marburger was nearby when the shooting began. Despite the danger, he put himself in harm’s way, risking his life to protect his students. Dan sustained multiple gunshot wounds at close range. His unflinching bravery saved lives that morning.

Dan is a hero, and we pray that he’s soon back where he belongs, with the students who are so lucky to have him.

I also want to recognize the courageous actions of the local law enforcement officers, first responders and state and federal agents who were on scene that day. The first officers arrived just minutes after the shooting began, and immediately they entered the building.

Within 30 minutes of the school’s call for help, an army of more than 150 police officers and first responders from across the metro area and surrounding communities arrived on the scene to assist.

Officers who heard the dispatch remarked how calm everyone sounded, how focused they were, how well they worked together in the midst of such a tragedy.

This is who Iowans are and what we do. Whether in person or in spirit, Iowans showed up that day in Perry, and we’ll be there every day through their recovery.

Please join me in expressing our gratitude to some of the brave men and women who courageously served that day.

Iowa’s law enforcement officers, first responders and military service members live up to their oath to protect our communities and citizens every day. These jobs demand service above self and great personal sacrifice.

This past year, Officer Kevin Cram of the Algona Police Department and Tony Hoffman, a firefighter with the Ionia Fire Department, gave the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.

Please join me in a moment of silence to honor these two fallen heroes and their families as well as all those affected by the tragic events in Perry.


  1. Unbelievable! Not one mention of a person being involved as a shooter. We really need to address mental health and not something called gun violence. Again, the gun is an inanimate object. I don’t know why that’s so hard to admit, that a gun isn’t the problem here.

    • I agree. There seems to be an acceptance of bullying, teasing and taunting that feeds into mental health and, rather than addressing and defeating it, society here looks at other things to address and often uplifts those who are bullying, teasing and taunting. After all, look at the way Donald Trump is admired by too many. Throughout history, this direction only leads to disaster. My thoughts and prayers are with Perry, Iowa.


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