Grading starts on 28th Street extension to McKinley Street

Grading began this week on the extension of 28th Street northward to McKinley Street as arrangements moved forward on a planned unit development (PUD) for the area in east Perry.

Grading began this week on the extension of 28th Street northward to McKinley Street as arrangements moved forward on a planned unit development (PUD) for the area in east Perry.

The Perry City Council let a $225,000 contract in May to Slater-based Absolute Concrete for the construction of the street, which involves 2,000 square yards of sub-grade preparation and sub-base, 1,800 square yards of Portland cement concrete, utility adjustments, grading and other associated work.

The city project coincides with ongoing work that began one month ago on the Perrywood Apartments, two 30-unit, market-rate multi-family residential apartment houses at 28th and McKinley streets developed by Green Stream Homes of Iowa LLC. The units will be built in two phases and should be ready to occupy by the spring of 2021, according to Perrywood Apartments spokesperson Scott Sullivan.

At its Monday night meeting, the Perry City Council approved a zoning change on the 11.78-acre parcel from residential duplex to PUD. The change will allow a mix of single-family houses and duplexes to be constructed south of the Perrywood Apartments.

The Green Stream property was bought from the Herman L. Rowley Memorial Trust in November 2018 by Dallas County land speculator LeMar Koethe for $100,000. The Perry Planning and Zoning Commission approved rezoning the land from agricultural to residential in August 2019 and accepted Green Stream’s preliminary site plan in September. The Perry City Council approved the final site plan in October 2019.


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