Happiness is a healthy colon

Source: Cancer.gov

There are five main strategies to keep your colon healthy: eat high-fiber foods, exercise, keep your weight in a normal range, limit alcohol and don’t smoke.

Be sure to get a colon cancer screening according to recommendations for your age, risk factors and family history.

The links between diet, weight, exercise and colorectal cancer risk are some of the strongest for any type of cancer. A colonoscopy is more than a screening tool. It can actually prevent cancer by discovering precancerous changes, called polyps, that are removed before developing into cancer.

Your colon is the one place where bacteria is a good thing. A healthy colon contains billions of beneficial bacteria. Diversify your gut microbiome with a diet containing high-fiber foods.

To increase fiber in your diet, eat fruits, vegetables and whole-grain breads and cereals.

While sugar isn’t directly linked to colon cancer, sugary beverages and foods contain excess calories that lead to weight gain — which can lead to that link to cancer.

Exercising regularly aids in digestion, helping push food along your digestive system.

And a word on your bathroom habits: Even with a busy schedule, use the bathroom as soon as you feel a bowel movement coming. Holding onto your movements can allow toxins to release back into your body.

More information on colon health is available at several reliable websites, including the Cleveland Clinic, the Mayo Clinic and Cancer.org.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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