Juggling Hanson family entertains summer readers


The multi-talented Hanson family from Kanawha, Iowa, brought their fast-paced show to the Perry Public Library’s 2016 Summer Reading Program Wednesday morning for a fun-filled lesson in reading, recycling and play.

About 50 summer readers and their instructors gathered in the library’s large meeting room to watch a dazzling demonstration of juggling by Mark Hanson — not to be confused with a local political juggler of the same name. Hanson is a holder of two Guinness World Records for speed juggling.

Hanson was joined by his wife, Christa Faye Hanson, and four of their five children: Christa Berit Hanson, 21, Matthew Hanson, 17, Luke Hanson, 15, and Caleb Hanson, 12.

Father Mark is the master juggler of the family, and daughter Christa is a national champion unicyclist, but all the Hansons do their share of juggling and unicycling as part of the show. The Hansons’ website shows many of their favorite acts.

Mother Christa also holds a Guinness World Record but not for juggling or unicycling. She holds the world record for the largest cut-out snow flake ever made.

A highlight of the show came when about a dozen of the summer reading program students took part in a recycling contest, vying for the honor as the fastest recycler.

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The world's largest cut-out snow flake was made by Christa Faye Hanson in 2012.
The world’s largest cut-out snow flake was made by Christa Faye Hanson in 2012.


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