K of C Youth Soccer Challenge postponed for Saturday

The St. Patrick's Knights of Columbus will host their Youth Soccer Challenge Saturday from 1-3 p.m., held annually in conjunction with the ¡Viva Perry! Latino Festival.

Following the cancellation of Saturday’s ¡Viva Perry! Latino Festival, the St. Patrick’s Knights of Columbus have announced the postponement of their annual Soccer Challenge held in conjunction with the festival.

“I am postponing the Soccer Challenge scheduled for Saturday,” said Eric Vaughn, organizer of the annual K of C kicking contest. “The Latino festival was postponed, and that event has really boosted our numbers the past two years. I am hoping the Festival will be rescheduled. If not, we will hold the Soccer Challenge independently within the next month.”

In the annual soccer contest, local youth are tested on their accuracy in kicking penalty shots toward an open goal, with awards given to the highest finishers in each age group, 9-13, for both boys and girls. Two new soccer balls are given away in a drawing held at the end of the competition.


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